Awards & Mentions
Award for Excellence: National Genealogical Society Quarterly 2021
Awarded for an exemplary published article that demonstrates excellence in modern genealogical research, “Parents for Isaac Garrett of Laurens County, South Carolina: DNA Corroborates Oral Tradition,” published in the June 2020 issue of the NGSQ.
Elizabeth Clark-Lewis Genealogy Award 2020
Awarded by the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, for original research in support of African American Genealogy
International AAHGS Book Award 2018
Awarded by the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society in the Non-fiction – Genealogy category
Next Generation Indie Book Awards 2017
Finalist in the African American Category
Phillis Wheatley Literary Award 2017
Awarded by the Sons & Daughters of the U.S. Middle Passage for literary works dedicated to the history of enslaved or indentured people of African descent in the U.S. prior to the 13th Amendment
South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Summer 2017
“This work is highly recommended as a guide for research.”
Atlanta-Journal Constitution, 20 Nov 2016
“African American research guide is a model for others”

- NGS Research in the States Series: Alabama, NGS Special Publication 136. Falls Church, Virginia: National Genealogical Society, 2021. Available at
- A Guide to Researching African American Ancestors in Laurens County, South Carolina, and Selected Finding Aids. Bloomington, Indiana: Xlibris, 2016.
- The Source : the Garrett, Neely, and Sullivan families : over two hundred years of African American history, beginning in Laurens County, South Carolina : 2010 supplement. Salt Lake City: Family Heritage Publishers, 2010.
- The Source : the Garrett, Neely, and Sullivan families : over two hundred years of African American history, beginning in Laurens County, South Carolina. Salt Lake City: Family Heritage Publishers, 2008.
- The Source of our Pride : the Garrett, Neely, and Sullivan families : two hundred years of African American history, beginning in Laurens County, South Carolina. San Jose: Family Tree Press, 2000.
I served as the editor and principal writer of two Church histories that document the involvement of families that organized them:
- Macedonia Baptist Church 1920-2011: a History of the Little Church on the Hill. Bethesda, Maryland: Macedonia Baptist Church, 2011.
- Historical book of Bethel Hall Missionary Baptist Church. Laurens, South Carolina: the Centennial 1910-2010. Laurens, South Carolina: Bethel Hall Missionary Baptist Church, 2010.
- “Wick Garrett’s Darkest Day: 6 September 1919,” Journal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society 43 (Winter 2025): 41-48.
- “The Value of Transcribing Handwritten Records,” NGS Magazine 50 (July–August 2024): 23–27.
- “Four Families of St. Mary’s County: Butler, Gough, Shubrooks, Lee,” The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 177 (Winter 2023): 95. (Book Review)
- “North Carolina’s Free People of Color, 1715–1885,” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 110 (June 2022): 148-149. (Book Review)
- “Gleaning Information About Enslaved Ancestors From Probate Files,” NGS Magazine 48 (April–June 2022): 20–24.
- “The Black Church: This is Our Story, This is Our Song.” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 109 (June 2021): 156. (Book Review).
- “Parents for Isaac Garrett of Laurens County, South Carolina: DNA Corroborates Oral Tradition,” National Genealogical Society Quarterly, 108 (June 2020): 85-112. NGSQ Award of Excellence, 2020
- “There is Something about Edgefield: Shining a Light in the Black Community through History, Genealogy & Genetic DNA,” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 107 (June 2019): 150. (Book Review)
- “The Freedman Richard Neely: One Family’s American Beginning,” Journal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society 34 (2017): 64-97.
- “Genealogy Ethics and the Call For Diversity,” OnBoard, the newsletter of the Board for Certification of Genealogists. January 2017.
- “The Social Life of DNA: Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation After the Genome,” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 104 (December 2016): 311. (Book Review)
- “Resolving a Modern Genealogical Problem: What was Rainey Nelson’s Birth Name?” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 104 (September 2016): 203-213.
- “Some Thoughts on the Process that Resulted in my Successful Application for BCG’s Certified Genealogist(R) Credential: My Genealogical Education,” Journal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society 37 (2016): 33-36.
- “Diverse Communities: Researching African American Families that Came Out of Slavery,” BCG Springboard (blog), 5 January 2016.
- “Bethel Hall Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery,” The Tree Climber, Laurens District Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society 29 (Winter 2014): 42.
- “Searching for the Slave Owners of Isaac Garrett: Expanding Research Beyond Online Sources,” Columns, the quarterly publication of the International Society of Family History Writers and Editors. June 2014.
Copies of the books listed here can be found in the Library of Congress. The third edition of my family history and 2010 Supplement are also available in various other repositories including:
- Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture, College of Charleston, South Carolina
- Genealogical Society of Utah
- Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
- Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture of the New York Public Library
- South Carolina State Archives
- Richland County Public Library in Columbia, South Carolina
- Laurens County, South Carolina Library
- Charles L. Blockson African American Collection at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- W.E.B. DuBois Institute of Harvard University