I am primarily focused on writing and lecturing. I am available to present genealogical lectures on researching African-ancestored families from the historical slave South.
I provide this service in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, the Greenville area of the Upstate of SC (including Laurens County), and elsewhere by arrangement.
I specialize in the topics below. If you don’t see a topic of interest, please feel free to contact me with your suggestion or request.

Lecture Topics
- African American Genealogy
- Chancery/Equity/Orphan’s Court
- Methodology and Strategies
- Slavery and the Law
- Social Context
- State and County Courts
- Using Probate Files
- Genealogy Ethics
- Genealogy Standards
- Assembly and Analysis of Evidence
- Citation Fundamentals
- Historical Context
- Planning Research
- Why Standards Are For Everyone
- Immigration and Naturalization
- Narrative Genealogies, Lineages, and Pedigrees
- Transcriptions
Past Engagements
Click on the title for more information.
African American Genealogy Methods and Strategies
A Myriad of Slavery Databases
BCG Board Certification: Q&A
Researching Enslaved African Americans In Federal Records
Immigration & Naturalization: Beyond the Basics
Federal Records of Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes
Beef Up Your Analysis: Transcribing and Abstracting