LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson: Author | Teacher | Certified Genealogical Lecturer ℠ | Certified Genealogist® | Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists

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North Carolina Genealogical Society Virtual Conference

North Carolina Genealogical Society

Probate Records to Research Enslaved Ancestors This presentation provides an overview of the probate process, identifies the genealogical information that can be found in a slaveholding estate, and points to related records that may be included in a probate proceeding. Friday, March 19, 2:00-3:00pm

DNA Corroborates Oral History & Supports Documentary Evidence

Minnesota Genealogical Society Spring Conference

This lecture is based on a case study that utilized autosomal and Y-DNA to bolster extensive research that pointed to the identity of an enslaved ancestor's parents. This DNA study illustrates how DNA can be particularly useful in reconstructing genealogies in communities that left few records and little direct evidence.

AAHGS 2021 Annual Conference

Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society

Oct 13, 5:00pm EDT Ethical Challenges in Afro-American Genealogical Research Oct 14, 1:30pm EDT Meeting Genealogy Standards When Using DNA to Identify Enslaved Ancestors Oct 15, 9:15am EDT Using Probate Records to Document Enslaved Ancestors

Sharing What You Know

Panel discussion with Melvin J. Collier and Leslie Anderson.

Why Standards are for Everyone

Standards are imperative for anyone who cares about achieving accurate research, whether for their own family or someone else’s family.

Assembling Research Results

Nineteen standards in Genealogy Standards address the treatment of assembled research results in case studies and kinship determination projects.

Narrative Genealogies, Lineages, and Pedigrees

Genealogical narratives are written work products that document linkages between successive generations, usually take one of three standard forms, and meet the GPS.

Certification Seminar

With Angela Packer McGhie, CG, FUGA, and Patti Lee Hobbs, CG. In this interactive forum, current associates share various pathways to certification and how to begin.

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