LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson: Author | Teacher | Certified Genealogical Lecturer ℠ | Certified Genealogist® | Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists


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DNA Corroborates Oral Tradition About the Parents of a Freedman

This lecture is a part of the free Webinar Weekends with FamilyTreewebinars. The entire weekend is devoted to African American research. To participate, register for the live introductory webinar at which will give you instructions for viewing the classes.

Using DNA to Identify Enslaved Ancestors

Houston Public Library - Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research

Reconstructing the lineage of enslaved ancestors is a process that presents unique challenges, due to the involuntary separations that severed family ties and records that rarely identified the enslaved by surnames. Learn from nationally renowned guest speaker LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson to apply DNA standards to test results to establish genealogical proof of a genetic relationship.

A Case Study Using DNA to Corroborate a Family’s Oral Tradition

African-American Research Library and Cultural Center

The African-American Research Library and Cultural Center in conjunction with the Genealogical Society of Broward County (GSBC) Education Committee present Live Webinar from 3:00-4:30 PM EST. “A Case Study Using DNA to Corroborate a Family's Oral Tradition” including accuracy, completeness, and depth of each pedigree included in the analysis; and the possibility of more than one common ancestor for each pair of DNA test-takers. The presenter is LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, JD, LLM, CG®, CGL(SM) President, Board for Certification of Genealogists, In this webinar, she will provide information needed to make sound decisions on when DNA tests can or should be used in genealogical research, and how to meet the DNA-specific genealogy standards for accuracy and completeness. Session will include an overview of available direct-to-consumer tests, a discussion of the elements of a targeted testing plan, and information about analyzing DNA test results.

Strengthen Your Analysis: Transcribing and Abstracting

Genealogical proof requires the conduct of reasonably exhaustive research, preferably using original records. The emphasis on original sources means that the interpretation of handwritten records is an essential skill for genealogists. Using a variety of pre-20th century American documents, this lecture provides useful tips on the creation of a transcription—the first step in analyzing a handwritten document—and an abstract. This lecture is a part of NYG&B’s Day of Giving Back, four unique sessions held on Giving Tuesday (December 1, 2020). Sessions will stream live on the NYG&B’s website and Facebook page on December 1, 2020, from 4–8 pm EST. All are welcome (no registration is necessary).


Strengthen Your Analysis: Transcribing and Abstracting

Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Genealogical proof requires the conduct of reasonably exhaustive research, preferably using original records. The emphasis on original resources means that the interpretation of original records is an essential skill for genealogists. Using a variety of pre-20th century American documents, this lecture provides useful tips on the creation of a transcription–the first step in analyzing a handwritten document–and an abstract.

An NGSQ Case Study: DNA Corroborates Oral Tradition

Capital District Genealogical Society

This lecture is based on a case study that was the lead article in the June 2020 edition of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly. The speaker will provide information needed to make sound decisions on when DNA tests can or should be used in genealogical research, and how to meet the DNA-specific genealogy standards for accuracy and completeness. The lecture will include an overview of available direct-to-consumer tests, a discussion of the elements of a targeted testing plan, and information about analyzing DNA test results.

Planning Research

Legacy Family Tree Webinars

Genealogical proof requires the conduct of reasonably exhaustive research. The thorough research required by the Genealogical Proof Standard should not be undertaken in a haphazard manner. This webinar provides useful tips on developing an effective research plan, including the importance of crafting a focused research question and prioritizing potentially relevant sources. Register at  

Researching African American Ancestors Who Came Out of Slavery (Online)

Fountaindale Public Library 300 W. Briarcliff Road, Bolingbrook, IL, United States

Genealogist LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson will introduce attendees to a variety of Federal and state sources to help you identify formerly enslaved ancestors. In addition to referencing other commonly used pre-1870 and antebellum records, the lecture will highlight the important legal and historical context and interpretive guidance of particular relevance to African-Americans.

Planning Research

The Villages Genealogical Society

Genealogical proof requires the conduct of reasonably exhaustive research. This presentation will provide useful tips on developing an effective research plan, including the importance of crafting a focused research question and prioritizing potentially relevant sources.

Using DNA Tests to Identify Enslaved Parents

Fairfax Genealogical Society, Africa American SIG

This presentation is based on “Parents for Isaac Garrett of Laurens County, South Carolina: DNA Corroborates Oral Tradition,” which won the National Genealogical Society Quarterly’s 2021 Award for Excellence. NGSQ, 108 (June 2020):85-112. The lecture will focus on the decision points involved in planning DNA tests and integrating the results into the proof argument set forth in the article.

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